Step 4: Performing an iteration of the agent loop

At this point we are ready to see the agent in action. The agent file that we loaded, plan-diag.agt, describes an agent which is capable of performing planning and diagnosis. Once we start the iteration of the agent loop, the agent will: The whole process is started by clicking on "Iterate", at the bottom of the main window. (Notice that there is inconsistency in the observations that we entered previously (see here how we did it). The diagnostic step will therefore be completed immediately after the check to detect inconsistencies.)

After clicking "Iterate", you will see messages rolling in the Log Window (top right corner of the main window). At the end of the iteration, a dialog will pop up, informing you that the agent decided to perform action flip(sw(1)).

The Trajectories Window (bottom left corner of the main window) shows the trajectory that the agent intends to follow. The first (empty) set describes the initial state (to keep the list shorter, only fluents which are true are shown). The second set, {flip(sw(1))}, is the set of actions that will be performed at time step 0. The next set describes the expected state of the domain after the actions have been performed, and so on. After clicking on "Ok" you should see something like this:

If you observe the History Window, you will see that the current time step is now time step 1. You will also see that the agent recorded that action flip(sw(1)) occurred at time 0.

If you wish, you can now enter new observations. If you do not specify any observation, the agent will assume that everything went according to its expectations, and will declare that it achieved its goal after a few iterations of the loop.

However, let us make things more interesting once again: let us simulate a fault in bulb 1. To do this, we will enter the observation that on(b(1)) is false, i.e. that the bulb did not come on, even though the agent flipped switch 1. You will need to click on "Set Observations", select "on(b(1))" and click "Set False" (alternatively you can just doblue click on on(b(1)) until "false" appears).

Notice that the Enter Observations Dialog now contains three columns. The right-most column shows the values that the agent expects the fluents to have. There may be several columns, depending on how many trajectories are defined by the plan that the agent generated (but there is only at most one if the domain is deterministic).

Now you can close the dialog by clicking on "Close". The new observation will appear in the History Window. Let the agent iterate again by clicking "Iterate".

The Log Window shows that the agent detected a contradiction between its expectations and the observations that we entered. The discrepancy can be explained by hypothesizing that brk(b(1)) occurred, unobserved, at time 0. In order to make sure that this is the case, the agent needs additional observations about fluent ab(b(1)). In fact, brk(b(1)) would cause the fluent to become true.

So, let us answer "Yes" to the Fluent Test Dialog. The agent updates its knowledge with the observation given, together with the occurrence of action brk(b(1)) at time 0. Then, it computes a new plan to achieve goal "allBulbsOn", and decides to perform action "repair(b(1))".

At this point the bulb has been repaired. The agent is planning to perform flip(sw(2)) at time 2, and flip(sw(3)) at time 3 to achieve the goal. Let us click "Iterate" once...

...and once more.

After performing flip(sw(3)), the agent expects to have achieved its goal. You can see this by looking at the Trajectories Window:

or by clicking on "Set Observations", in the History Window.

Of course, you can add further observations to inform the agent that the goal was not really achieved. Otherwise, if you leave things the way the are, and click "Iterate" once again, the agent will inform you that it has achieved its goal and there is no action it needs to perform.

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