APLAgent Manager

The APLAgent Manager is a Java interface for A-Prolog based intelligent agents. Such agents are based on a procedural loop that connects various A-Prolog reasoning modules.
A tutorial on the use the APLAgent Manager is available here.
Documentation on the classes that are needed to build you own implementation of the agent loop is available here.

For details on A-Prolog based intelligent agents, please refer to:
All papers are available from the Papers section of the Knowledge Representation Lab web site at Texas Tech University.

The APLAgent Manager is invoked by running:
% java -jar aplagentmgr-0.91.jar
The first time it is run by a user, it creates a directory called APLAgent in the user's home directory, and copies there various demo files.

The APLAgent Manager is designed to run under JDK 1.3 and 1.4. It is know to work, with minor graphical problems, under JDK 1.2.
The APLAgent Manager was tested on Unix, Windows 2000 and MacOS X.
In order to run the APLAgent Manager, the following programs must be installed in a directory contained in the PATH environment variable:
The APLAgent Manager is distributed under the GNU Public License.

The jar package is: aplagentmgr-0.91

Marcello Balduccini (marcello.balduccini@gmail.com)